Friday, January 20, 2023

"The Bear"

Started watching the award-nominated series and "The Bear" is near the top of the list.  It's a fictional version of a Chicago restaurant trying to turn itself around.  Most of the action takes place in the kitchen and there are a number of subplots, involving suicide, family, and more.  I watched two episodes but don't see myself returning for the rest.  It's not that it's bad, it's just not my thing.  I don't watch the "reality" chef shows -- the ones where the kitchen is frenetic and there is a lot of yelling.  I don't like the tension.  I don't like peeling back the curtain.  I go out to restaurants for a treat.  A special occasion.  I'm sorry that the behind-the-scenes isn't what it should be but honestly, I don't really want to watch it.  So, you can imagine that watching it in a scripted show, one where the tension is heightened, where the screaming is constant, would get on my nerves.  So, yes.  It's a good show.  For people who like this sort of thing.  

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