Saturday, January 28, 2023

"Everything Everywhere All At Once"

I tried to describe the plot of this film to my parents a few weeks back and failed miserably.  This was before I had seen it.  Having seen it I can say ... I still don't know how to describe it.  Is this Sci-fi?  Fantasy?  A psychological study of familial relationships through the lens of theoretical physics?  A head-trip induced by way (way way) too many illicit drugs?  Who knows?  The first hour or so goes nonstop and I just watched intently, trying to take it all in.  Not fully understanding it.  Who can understand it?  The viewing was an intellectual exercise.  Trying to fit it all into a narrative which makes sense.  There was humor, of course.  And great physical fights and a lot of creativity when it came to showing alternate realities.  But beyond that I really wasn't sure.  And then the ending came.  An emotional gut-punch I only kind of saw coming and didn't even begin to realize the depths to which it would impact me (cue kleenex here).  Once I saw the end, I understood the overall picture a bit more -- how each incarnation of Yeoh's character doesn't just give her physical skills but adds to her understanding of her interactions with the people around her.  The production team gets major snaps for something fresh, unexpected and quite freaky.  The cast gets a thumbs up for keeping track of multiple personalities -- makes Sybil look positively sane.  In any case, strange but worthwhile.  Easy to see why it is so hot this awards season.

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