Wednesday, January 18, 2023


This is a mixed bag.  First, you have amazing actors -- really really love Dania Ramirez and Scott Caan.  There is fast pacing and unique storylines.  It's strucutred in a way to get your heart pumping.  On the flip side, there is ... sloppy? ... writing.  Timelines, critical to the story, were messy in the first episode.  Somehow, a flight to Las Vegas was wound into a few hours???  In the second episode, a kidnapping is witnessed via a webcam but nothing about the location can be determined (did the writers never hear of IP addresses?).  A victim's death by a fentanyl is determined by the amount of drug administered but not by his body weight or metabolism.  Naloxone is administered, and, like in too many TV shows, it is seen as the "cure" (it's not).  A child is found after a lot of years -- and no DNA test is made.  The show just pushes you to accept a lot on faith.  There is also a considerable amount of personal backstory, which I like, but it borders on being too much.  In a critical car chase, the couple argues about family drama.  Really?  So, I kinda sorta like it but feel like they need to keep polishing the scripts and tighten things up.  We'll see.

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