Monday, April 10, 2023

"The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie

I tried.  I really did.  I love to read banned books, if for no other reason, than to tell book banners "nah nah nah nah."  However.  This book is dense.  Really dense.  It begins with two men falling out of a crashing plane.  It's metaphorical, symbolic, and most of the references are from Indian mythology or (semi) contemporary Indian cultural customs.  I understood none of it.  I plowed through.  The story swings.  In time, from character to character (seemingly unconnected).  I just couldn't keep track.  I tried to skim through.  To find a connecting thread.  I read the end before finishing it, something I NEVER do.  I still didn't get it.  I'm sure the book is brilliant.  I'm sure it's a classic.  I just didn't get one itty bitty little bit of it on any level.  So I put it down.  Which I almost never do.  But I had no choice.  This novel may have been translated into English, but the essence is of a world which I know nothing about.

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