Monday, April 03, 2023

"She Said"

It is almost impossible to make a film about a current news event with any kind of tension because the resolution is a given.  That being said, ever since "All the President's Men" people have tried.  "She Said" portrays the long (long, long) effort of two NY Times reporters to get to the root of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.  In terms of creating any kind of "what will happen next" energy, this film doesn't quite get there.  But it does rope you in.  Credit goes to Zoe Kazan.  She interviews woman after woman.  Hears their stories.  Identifies, feels their pain.  You see it in her face, over and over.  And because of her performance, you feel what she feels.  The hurt, anger and hopelessness builds until the viewer wants to reach through the screen and DO SOMETHING.  It's also an interesting inside view of a newsroom -- and how legality rules everything these days.  So, not perfect, but not a bad outcome for a tale where we know exactly what happens.  

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