Tuesday, April 04, 2023

"Fairy Tale" by Stephen King

Honestly, I thought this was "Fairy Tales" -- a series of short stories.  On a cruise, I was looking for an easy read.  And, while I'm not a fan of horror, this one fits into King's fantasy books, not his gory fare.  It's wonderful.  A lengthy page-turner, I read it in record time.  There is a story inside a story.  The first third of the book is set in the normal world.  A teenage boy, an old man, and a dog.  And then it takes a turn.  One I didn't fully see coming.  There is travel to another world, classic fantasy and fairy tale mythology, and, of course, some battles leading to the ultimate "good vs. evil" fight.  But it's a fresh take and not one where you see things coming.  The writing is rich, the characters layered, the images described in incredible detail.  I enjoyed it thoroughly, particularly in that it was wrapped up realistically, but not neatly.  Such is the world.  Any world.  Another Bravo to a man who makes writing these brilliant books look like child's play.

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