Thursday, April 13, 2023

"Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris"

This remake of the 1992 TV film has a lot to offer.  It's less about the humor and more grounded.  It's fun, engaging and has a few subtle messages along the way.  It's gentle and sweet, touching and warm.  In a "interesting" time, this film has true charm.  Much of that comes from the performance of Lesley Manville, who plays the titular character with layers upon layers.  Yes, she is working class, but no, she's not stupid.  Yes, she wants a dress far beyond her means, but not because of material greed.  Life has handed her a good number of lemons.  She has the courage to dream of something more and is quietly determined to stick to her dreams no matter what others say.  And she is genuinely kind.  Surrounded by a strong cast we discover that these aren't caricatures, but people with their own secret yearnings and struggles.  I was completely sucked in and when Mrs. Harris gets her heart broken (more than once), I ached for her.  And then I smiled as she navigated a world which appeared so different from hers, but did so with more grace than those around her.  Brava.  Well worth watching.

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