Wednesday, December 21, 2022

"Diary of a Future President"

On one hand, it's kind of adorable.  Young Tess Romero hits the perfect notes as a tween caught between childhood and the more complicated world of adults.  She's engaging and real.  It's also great to see Selena Leyva ("Orange is the New Black") back and fabulous, as always.  The show explores a lot of difficult transitions, including a gentle tale of a boy coming into his own and a widowed mother trying to figure out how the new man in her life can fit into her family.  The struggle is nuanced and treated with respect.  There are clever ties between our current political climate and the possible early steps of a young future President.  The failures of the series, which are minor, come from the "Disney-fying".  It borders on the saccharine.  Problems are miraculously solved in 22 minutes.  It's never clear why the mother's assistant is also her best friend.  The show had a lot of potential and lived too short a life but it rose above the expected in the quiet moments.  Brava.

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