Friday, December 23, 2022

"A Christmas to Treasure"

Seriously "meh".  A bunch of 40 somethings play characters which should have been played by 20/30 somethings.  They haven't been home since graduation (they are talking about high school graduation) and some are still getting their careers started.  There is only one couple (who are oddly wrapped around each other in every scene) and no one has kids.  Their parents are played by actors only a dozen or so years older than them.  The opening is confusing, the script is weak.  Characters refer to San Francisco as "San Fran" (No.  Just no.).  And there is a blonde character named Tipper.  'Nuff said.  In an attempt to find something fresh, Lifetime goes with a "Big Chill" meets "Christmas Movie" meets "Locke and Key" with a dash of "Harold and Maude."  It could have been interesting.  It's not.  Mostly, it feels like something dreamed up by a person on Xanax.  I literally fell asleep while I watched it.

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