Sunday, December 18, 2022

"A Christmas Princess"

I've seen a lot of mediocre holiday films.  This might be the absolute worst.  And that's saying a lot.  The predictable plot meanders and wanders around, with little point or purpose.  The dialog is wooden, the acting is a complete contrast to anything energized.  Performances, in addition to being lethargic, are so unconvincing it's hard to believe anyone is buying into their characters.  The accents (mostly super-fake British, a bad french and some mish-mashy generic European) are horrendous.  Somehow, real actors Erin Gray and Gaylin Gorg got roped into this very slow, very dull trainwreck.  Every trope is explored, including the belief that real Christmas can't be celebrated in a city setting and a Prince must marry a blonde, model-looking mean-girl Duchess.  By the time the Prince realizes his true love is the caterer (in a badly scored music montage, 13 minutes before the film ends), one doesn't care.  The Queen's meaness to the young woman of interest dissolves away when she takes a bite of the caterer's food.  An instant later, the young woman has mysteriously changed from her caterer garb to a fashionable dress with a huge diamond necklace.  It's as unbelievable as every other moment.  This isn't a film to put on while cleaning the house, it's a film to forget.

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