Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Critics panned this new film with understandable concerns but missed the point.  They didn't like the intercuts showing after-effects of the Curie discoveries, which include the US dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, use of radiation in cancer treatments and the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant among others.  It was felt that this politicized the film, turning it into a statement piece.  There were also complaints about the lack of historical accuracy, something which often comes up in projects like this (check out the latest controversy on "The Crown").  

Here's my take.  #1 This isn't a documentary.  Neither is "The Crown" or "The Aeronauts", for the record.  The purpose of this film is to entertain.  #2  This is based on a Graphic Novel.  Most of what is in the film was in the book so if you don't like the content then blame the source material.  One critic, showing her clear lack of understanding, told folks to read the "comic book".  WRONG.  Graphic Novels are not comic books.  Dismissing them is missing, well, the entire point.  (Yes, "Maus" won the Pulitzer Prize so they can be considered REAL literature).

ANYWAY, I digress.  Is the film entertaining?  Yes.  Is it interesting?  Yes.  Are the actors good?  Yes.  Is the film, as a whole, engaging?  Yes.  Marjane Satrapi, an award-winning graphic novelist in her own right, directs the film well.  It has depth and good visuals without being distracting.  There is flow and beauty.  The character of Marie continues the trend of unlikeable female lead, something we see more and more as women direct films.  Her warts are shown, and they don't diminish her incredible accomplishments.  Is it "real"?  No.  But it isn't meant to be.  Worth checking out.

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