Sunday, February 27, 2022


CW shows tend to have rough starts.  It is as if they get sold on an idea but don't really delve deep into how to grow a series.  Such is definitely the case with "Naomi" which has promise but is a bit of a muddle.  The premise is interesting.  (SPOILER ALERT)  Teen Naomi is a Superman fan but believes superheroes aren't real.  Until she begins evidencing her own powers.  Quite quickly she discovers that she is an alien and gains a nicely Zen mentor.  Things progress.  Kaci Walfall, in the lead, has rich layers to her acting and really shows the thinking going on behind the extraordinary circumstances she finds herself in.  Best friend Annabelle is a terrific foil and the other teens band together well.  But some of the acting (particularly in adult roles) is a tad stiff.  Could be the direction or uninspired scripts.  A good number of the technical aspects just don't work.  Wardrobe, for instance, looks like what a costumer would put on people, not what teens actually wear.  Ms. Walfall has to fight the hair hanging over her face in far too many scenes, her beautiful expressions blocked by bouncing braids.  Every episode seems to reveal a new power or two -- are they endless?  A recent episode took cues from "Blair Witch" but that's pretty dated at this point, and it shows a certain lack of creativity on the storytelling side of things, IMHO.  The show could get better.  "Legends of Tomorrow" and "The 4400" had rocky rollouts and are now favorites, not to mention how much "Batwoman" improved after season one.  So, yes, I will hang onto this one for now.  But it needs focus and direction.

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