Friday, April 10, 2020


I found this on Disney+ and thought it was the "Stargirl" series upcoming on the CW in May.  It is actually a new movie based on the Stargirl book by Jerry Spinelli.  When the book came out, some 20 years ago, it was an instant classic which remains popular to this day.  A familiar tale of school bullying, Stargirl puts a spin on things by introducing a lead character with real "something".  She is intriguing, creative, and unique, particularly to interested guy Leo.  I hadn't read the book in over a decade so I knew there were some changes in the film but had to look online for details.  As suspected, the brutality of the bullying is harsher in the book than in the film, where Stargirl is accepted a tad more readily than one would expect.  The ending is also changed although in this case I would say that the film ending works very well.  Mostly, it's just a touching, simple film which will pull at your heartstrings.  All characters, from the leads to the smallest of supporting actors, deliver terrific performances.  The messages are clear but don't hit you over the head.  It's a worthwhile way to spend a few hours.

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