Saturday, April 11, 2020


Yeah, I'm watching a lot of films.  As I attempt to see everything of interest on Disney+ I viewed "Onward" last night.  Between "Up" and "Frozen" Disney has perfected a kind of formula which includes complicated sibling relationships and pathos mixed with laugh-out-loud humor.  It works, beautifully, and creates stories which aren't pat and clean but messy and real.  This film, about an awkward boy turning 16 who misses the father he never knew, will make you cry as well as put a smile on your face.  The messages are clear -- believe in yourself and love those around you.  They give you more than you might ever realize.  There is subtle humor here, too, about how we have a tendency to settle, to deny the greater parts of ourselves.  Cloaked in a world of magical creatures who have become ordinary this film is a bit of a clarion call to push past our comfort levels and become the best version of ourselves.  An absolutely fun, inspiring movie. 

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