Friday, April 10, 2020

"Frozen II"

People slammed this film for no other reason than it wasn't the first film.  Well, of course it isn't.  That being said, I kind of loved it.  Totally held my attention and kept me involved.  There are different themes and no break-out song but there is thoughtfulness here, including the idea that the characters, and the viewers, are growing up and changing.  The romance is again checked by the sisterhood bond, resulting in a nice balance of interchanges between the characters.  Yes, there are some political themes but they aren't overt and don't supersede the basic humanity of the film.  Absolutely worthwhile, just don't expect a repeat of the first film.  Personally I'm thrilled that it (literally) explores new territory.  Will I watch it again?  Of course.  Right up there with the "Shrek" series, which brings a smile to my face every time.

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