Thursday, January 10, 2019

"All in the Timing" by David Ives

I read a book!  Finally.  Of course, it is theatre related.  Fourteen short plays.  As previously mentioned, I like reading short plays as a way of finding monologues.  Unlike the Humana Festival collection these plays started out light and humorous, a delightful change.  I failed in my quest to find a funny monologue but enjoyed the works, which included laugh-out-loud humorous pieces, profane pieces (the Mamet piece is both profane and hysterical) and thoughtful pieces.  Many of the plays revolve around the challenges of relationships and the book ends with a particularly short piece written in an almost absurdist form which evokes a poetic form, echoing the death of a relationship.  Worth the read, or performance.  Well-done.

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