Saturday, February 04, 2023

"The Good Nurse"

This being my fourth serial killer project I'm reviewing for the SAG Awards, getting a tad "over it".  That being said, it's a "perfectly fine" film.  SPOILERS AHEAD.  The only surprise is that in this case, unlike the other three stories, the killer isn't a creepy weirdo who makes you think, "gee, he's a serial killer".  Everything else is very pro forma.  There is a hard-working hospital staff, people who die, and a mystery which detectives can't solve without the cooperation of the hospital administration.  The hospital administration, of course, blocks the police at every turn because it's run by a big evil corporation which puts profits over people.  Short answer -- this guy killed with impunity for over a decade and wouldn't have gotten away with murdering hundreds (?) of people if just one of the nine hospitals he worked at had stepped up and worked with the authorities.  There is an over use of blue filters, which makes the whole thing look dark and depressing, and a few too many close-ups on Jessica Chastain, playing nurse Amy Loughren, as she struggles with a heart condition.  She and Eddie Redmayne are good, of course.  They are always good in whatever they do, but the film didn't really hold my attention.  Think I have OD'd on too many crime procedurals (pun not intended).  Anyway, if this is your thing, enjoy.

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