Sunday, February 12, 2023


This anthology series is taken from a British show ... which might have been a reboot of an old American show???  In any case, the changing cast of really big names from week to week is a draw, as is the format, which can be intriguing.  Each show opens with the attention on the accused but we know nothing of their guilt or innocence, or even what crime they are accused of, until the whole episode unspools.  It's kind of a brilliant concept.  Unfortunately, in the first three episodes there has been a darkness I don't care for.  Two of the three episodes have seemed more like horror films than crime procedurals.  Not to say there is gore.  There isn't.  Bad events are referred to but rarely shown.  No, it's rather a matter of the topics they are covering.  Yes, there are evil people in the world who do inexplicable things, but the choice to feature true evil, rather than troubled people falling on hard times, is one I don't care for.  It's as if the show is produced not for the thought-provoking Hobson's choices these characters face, but for the voyeuristic need of the audience to explore something extreme.  I like a show which challenges me intellectually.  I don't care for watching things about the inherent depravity of man.  So I'm on the fence with this one.  I'll watch a few more episodes to see where it is going.  Given that it is on FOX, which delights in glorifying depravity, I don't have high hopes.  But we'll see.

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