Thursday, December 09, 2021

"The Umbrella Academy"

Took a while to get into this one.  There are lots of characters which means a lot of exposition.  It took more than half of the first season to get to some real action and then I guessed the big reveal at the end of season one.  I also don't like that this is one of those shows where the dialog is so quiet that you have to crank the volume, and then, when the (kinda awesome) soundtrack plays you have to pull the volume back down.  It's distracting and irritating.  That being said the show grows on you.  The acting is strong, the emotion real.  While you might have some idea as to what is coming you begin to care.  Which leads to watching the next episode, and the next, to see how things turn out.  It's worth it.  And the second season twist?  Delightful.

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