Monday, August 19, 2019


The CW has pushed out new fare for August, the first of which, "Bulletproof" is fairly promising.  A British import the major kudos go to lead actors Noel Clarke and Ashley Walters.  Not since the "Lethal Weapon" films has dialog been batted back and forth this well in a cop buddy-drama, adding needed humor to tough storylines.  Acting and production values across the board are excellent and for those who are action-inclined, this will be satisfying.  The premiere episode included two car chases and one significant fight.  And therein lies the challenge for me.  It's good, really good.  Characters have depth and from the get-go there are multiple stories being told.  But it's gritty and rude and a bit much for me, a lover of rom-coms and superhero shows.  It's also ~really~ British.  Not "The Crown" let's-talk-in-proper-accents-and-avoid-colloquialisms for the American audiences.  This is honest-to-goodness British talk, complete with whole phrases which can be difficult to understand.  That being said, it is worthy and for those who like action and the down-and-dirty cop shows which focus on the mean streets, this one is for you.

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