Thursday, March 28, 2019

"What We Do in the Shadows"

In anticipation of the new FX series, I watched the 2014 New Zealand film by creators Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi.  Hysterically funny in a dry, kind-of "off" way, the original film focuses on a group of vampire roomates and their familiar being filmed, presumably, by a documentary film crew.  A mockumentary of sorts it induces the mundane into the profane creating humor through dissonance.  Not lacking in blood and gore it is hard to take it seriously given the deadpan line deliveries by characters to the camera in the midst of the carnage.  It struck me as the kind of Monty Python humor which ranges from chuckles to outright guffaws depending on the hour of the night when you are watching it.  The first episode of the TV show keeps closely to the premise and maintains the low-budget look.  Actors are equally committed to their over-the-top droll vampire characters, complete with ridiculous accents and big hair.  It was funny although seemed less-so than the movie.  That may be the difference in format.  Thirty minutes is a significant change from two hours.  I will continue to watch as they find their footing, but I'm likely going to save it for late nights when I'm a little punchy anyway.  If you are looking for something which is a COMPLETE ESCAPE from everything real, go for this. 

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