Thursday, March 28, 2019


What if ... What if "Sex and the City" was remade for today?  What if it featured the women not in their settled careers of 30 somethings but of the really early years, in their 20s, when jobs were hard to get and even harder to keep?  What if they weren't size 0 fashionistas but real women who focus more on what's going on in their insides than what they are wearing on the outside.  This is "Girls" the Lena Dunham series about a group of young women trying to navigate the world -- work and love -- in the NYC of the modern age.  A clear homage to "Sex and the City" there is plenty of sex and lots (and lots and lots) of focus on Adam Driver's penis.  I enjoyed season one and the "real" of it all but didn't make it too far into season two.  Being a good bit past the daily angst of youth I got a little burned out on Hannah's continuing need to be involved with a man who is clearly not good for her (Mr. Big, anyone?)  There is also a lot of nudity on the part of Ms. Dunham, which began as revolutionary and freeing but ended up feeling gratuitous.  That being said, it's a great show and has a lot to say about women, their roles, their lives.  This is the complicated, messy stuff and Lena Dunham doesn't shy away from making one or more of the characters fairly unlikeable as they swing through the emotional rollercoaster of trying to figure out their path.  A good addition to the new definition of female as Hollywood struggles to figure us out.

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