Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Honestly, this is one of my favorite books of all time (the TV miniseries wasn’t bad, either). The Arthurian legend told from the female viewpoints (it transitions between several of the major women, including Guinevere and Morgan Le Fay) this is a detailed book that weaves a complex tale of love, loss and the changes brought about in our society through the arrival of the Christian faith. There is magic, too, but the story is written so solidly that the magic seems natural in this setting, magic that is completely believable in this not-too-distant world. A lengthy read, it took me months to get through it the first time, but the impressions from the book have lasted a lifetime.

1 comment:

Deah said...

Love love love this one- read it in college and still have it on my bookshelf.