Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

I know, controversy, controversy. I still liked it. I liked it a whole lot. See, the secret is, I’m a slow reader! I plowed through this book with amazing speed. The short chapters, changing storylines and mysteries within the plot made this one of my first “can’t put it down” books in years. Yes, Dan Brown writes fiction like reality, so okay, people who forget it’s FICTION might make assumptions that are not altogether correct (he fooled me on a few points), but at it’s core, this is just a good old fashioned mystery. It begins with a body. And then there are good guys, then bad guys, then guys you aren’t fully sure about. With its fast-paced chase from Paris to the English countryside in a matter of an evening, this book is likely to make you enjoy the journey.

1 comment:

Natascha said...

I haven't read the book, but i've seen the movie. i really liked the plot and the rising action! :-)