Thursday, December 07, 2023

"The Spencer Sisters"

NBC, whose entire schedule of new shows are Canadian imports, apparently passed on this production, which reads not unlike a Hallmark murder mystery series.  Each week there is a nice, fairly bloodless crime and lots of spats between the mother (the mystery writer past her prime) and the daughter (a moody ex-cop who hates her mother but is saddled with her).  Everything is nicely tied up in a bow at the end of each episode and we return to the quaint cafe in the nameless little upscale town where many of the episodes begin.  It would be as forgettable as any Hallmark Holiday film if not for the energy, verve and charm of Lea Thompson, who brings it in every scene.  The actress Stacey Farber, who plays the daughter, also seems to have chops, although the writers are not helping her much -- turning her into a naggy *itch who just needs to take a chill pill.  They could also give her more in terms of romance, as the engaged ex has potential but not a lot of charisma.  Just saying, if you are going to echo Hallmark, you should go all the way.  That being said, this is a terrific show to watch if you need something light before bed.  It won't make you think too much.  

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