Thursday, October 21, 2021

"Ordinary Joe"

One of the more complicated stories I've seen on network TV in a long time, this one is great but requires a massive amount of concentration.  Wonderful James Wolk plays the same man in three iterations of his life, each 10 years after his college graduation where he had multiple roads he could have travelled.  After clear delineations between the different storylines in the first episode you have to learn to recognize the sometimes-very-subtle shifts between the three men's stories.  It's made slightly easier by lighting and differences in the character "looks" (hair, dress, etc).  The entire cast, including Wolk, has to shift as well, slipping into slightly altered versions of the same persona.  It's not a small feat and the production does it as well as one can.  Our job as viewers is to follow along.  I am intrigued by the "what if" scenario.  Like "Sliding Doors" we always wonder what our world could have been if we just made a different call at a crucial point.  This show's major message is clear.  No matter what path you take there are challenges everywhere.  Turning right instead of left doesn't necessarily improve your life it just gives you a different perspective.  Worth the time.  A thinking person's show.  A real rarity in this day and age.

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