Tuesday, May 04, 2021

"Home Economics"

Had I not been a fan of "Single Parents" or "Life in Pieces" this would come across as being great.  Instead, it's just okay.  It's smart funny, in the vein of those other two but the kids, for the most part, are just interchangeable duds.  Part of what made the other two series great was the back and forth between kids and adults which gave them a Peanuts vibe.  This is simply misadjusted adults trying to figure it all out, and getting much of it wrong.  Kudos to Sasheer Zamata who never misses a chance to find the funny even though she is given so little.  It's entertaining but not brilliant.  I do wish the networks would commit to the "good" instead of always switching out their sitcoms for something similar in the hopes of boosting ratings.

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