Monday, March 02, 2020

Airplane Movies

More travel means catching up with more films I have missed.  Best of the bunch was "Up" which really struck me on a million levels.  It's sad, funny, and more real than most cartoon movies I've seen.  It's got a lot of contemporary themes but mostly just strikes you as being extremely human.  Characters are flawed and the total thing is just massively memorable.  It resonated with me long after watching it.

On the other end of the spectrum was "Music and Lyrics", a Drew Barrymore film so forgettable I actually don't remember much about it, other than silly vapid entertainment which kept me entertained on the long ride.

Somewhere in the middle was "The Sun is Also a Star".  Based on a book I loved this is a somewhat faithful rendition of the story in film with well-cast actors but it lacked energy somehow.  It was nice to see the words come to life but I would have liked a little more spark.

There were two other movies I literally forgot ("Best in Show" and "Joy") ... what does that say for airplane films?

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