Sunday, November 24, 2019

"The Other Wes Moore" by Wes Moore

An intriguing book, well-written and compelling.  Another in a long list of titles which have been on my "to read" list for far too long, this one should also be required reading.  Wes Moore, a successful man who grew up in challenging circumstances, is shocked to discover another Wes Moore, who grew up in similar circumstances but ended up very differently.  This true story involves both men, looking at snapshots of their lives.  The author attempts to track the critical turning points in the lives of him and his namesake, trying to figure out where their lives diverged, and why.  He doesn't come up with a simple answer and he shouldn't.  This is real life stuff, not fiction, and real life is messy.  Crafted carefully and built through multiple interviews with people in their lives, it is an engaging read and one with accessible prose.  The "what-if" question hangs over the entire tale and drives the narrative.  The book doesn't end so much as sum up, leaving the reader to take away what they will.  As for the author he is forever changed by this revelation, the idea that so many people are simple on a knife edge away from tragedy.  The end of the book includes a huge list of resources, organizations dedicated to intervening in the lives of young people.  The hope is clearly that an adult stepping into the course of a life might help someone move in the right direction.  Hugely worthy and very thought-provoking, I'm not sure this is a book you put down and walk away from.

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