Sunday, October 27, 2019

Patsy and Loretta

This new Lifetime movie explores the tremendous friendship which grew between two icons of country music.  Their entire relationship took place over less than two years but was striking in how powerfully felt it was for both women.  The producers smartly put a good deal of focus on the music, allowing the hugely talented Megan Hilty and Jessie Mueller to use their fabulous voices to echo Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn, respectively.  Megan Hilty is particularly skilled at diving into a troubled, brilliant performer.  It was easy to forget the actor under the wig and see only the star who died too young.  The music, the friendship, and the performances are admirable.  The script, however, is choppy and the timeline unclear.  Transitions are abrupt and rough.  It's as if the producers said that they they wanted to see snapshots of every important moment between the two women, so instead of natural flow you end up more with snapshots.  Nevertheless, it was an engaging two hours which left me with a significantly better understanding of this moment in history and a soft spot for the human side of two superstars.  Their daughters contributed to the development of the project, bringing needed grounding.  Worth a viewing.

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