Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"In the Dark"

This new show on the CW is so not what I thought it was.  A case of advertising giving the impression of a sardonically humorous series when the reality is much, much darker.  Perry Mattfeld, a seeing actress, does a good job of playing the completely broken, blind Murphy Mason.  Roomate Jess is also admirably portrayed by the talented Brooke Markham.  SPOILER ALERT:  The gist is that Murphy's dear friend is murdered but no one believes her because the body is taken, she was wasted when she found it, and, oh yeah, she's blind.  Murphy continues having random sex and downing morning-after pills with vodka as she pursues her single-handed mission to prove that her friend was killed.  This pulls her into the world of drug dealers, where she inexplicably meets a money launderer who sets her off the deep end by trying to have a real relationship with her.  It's a troubling tale and yet I can't stop watching it.  Providing a deeply needed lighter tone is Rich Sommer, a sweet but hapless cop trying to figure out the best way to support his blind daughter.  The enjoyable actors Derek Webster and Kathleen York play Murphy's parents but are mostly wasted as two-dimensional figures (comforting dad, hypercritical mom).  I'm only three episodes in and part of me is like, "this is good but too depressing" but another part of me is like, "I am intrigued and can't turn it off."  We will see which one will win out.

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