Thursday, May 10, 2018

"The Stars Beneath Our Feet" by David Barclay Moore

Mix Jason Reynolds' "The Boy in the Black Suit" with a healthy dose of Jacqueline Woodson's lyric style and you get a sense of the gentle novel about a boy struggling with the violent death of his older brother in Harlem's rougher neighborhoods.  Wallace, aka "Lolly", is thoughtful and sweet.  Most of the tale is told through his internal reflections as he uses the construction of Lego buildings to salve the wound of emptiness left by his brother, Jermaine.  Mr. Moore does a great job portraying the cycles of grief -- the anger, guilt and more.  Add in a host of interesting and unexpected characters and you have a story which meanders more than moves but it will touch your heart.  This winner of the Coretta Scott King Steptoe Award for New Talent is promising.  There are some questionable jumps in the narrative but this is a minor complaint.  The story isn't about A to Z, it is about feelings and those feelings take Lolly where they take him -- physically and emotionally.  The voices of each character are well-rounded and compelling.  I look forward to more works by Mr. Moore.

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