Sunday, September 15, 2019

Best Cat Stories: A Classic Collection of Cat Literature by 27 Outstanding Authors

I've been pulling unread books off my bookshelf and grabbed this one, most likely a gift from someone who knows I love cats.  On the surface, it seems fine.  Delve in, however, and it's beyond bad -- it's horrific.  The first short story wasn't written very well but had a kind of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" vibe, so I hung in there.  After that, there was the obligatory dead cat story and some random meandering snippets from a veterinarian with no discernible storyline.  I hung in there through the use of the n-word to describe a black cat and through the butchering of Lewis Carroll (essentially mashing up all paragraphs including the words "Cheshire Cat" with no connecting passages).  But I finally bailed in the middle of one story.  It is rare that I stop reading a book.  I have pushed through many tomes I didn't care for.  In this case, I simply couldn't stomach it.  SPOILER ALERT.  In the short story, the husband rapes his wife, then kills her cat, a devoted creature who tried to stop the assault.  He turns the dead cat's fur into a ruff on a coat he gifts to his wife.  Beyond the obvious WTF reaction, I simply had enough.  I got the book out of my sight as quickly as possible.  Fortunately it is now out of print.  Good riddance.